is an anchor member of the VetJobs OCEAN (One Central Employment & Advancement Network) family of websites.
We are the #1 online resource for military-affiliated job seekers looking to attain a rewarding career and maximize their earnings.
Over the past 16 years, we and our sister sites have actively helped more than 63,000 military spouses, active duty military and veterans connect to high-earning careers.
What We Do
VetJobs has honed a very successful, proven method for ensuring our job seekers connect with the career opportunities they deserve.
Our approach has three parts: people, technology and education.
1. People. Our people — all of whom are highly-educated veterans and military spouses themselves — get to know our jobseekers personally. They work to understand a candidate’s military service, the skills they’ve acquired and how that translates to today’s job market. We then provide personal, high-touch, free job placement support, leveraging relationships with hundreds of leading national employers.
2. Technology. After we get to know our candidates personally, we tap into a world-class technology backbone — graciously donated by IBM — which enables us to access over two million high-paying openings, donated through DirectEmployers Association, plus view applicants and track hiring outcomes the same way top employers do. Further, we track our job seekers’ progress after we place them, helping to ensure they succeed. As they progress along and advance in their career – we’re right there with them to help as needed.
3. Education. For candidates who need extra support when transitioning from the Military to the private sector, we have developed top-notch training, educational tools, career development resources and mentoring. Our training team — which includes professionals who have developed curricula for prestigious American universities — works closely with each job seeker to guarantee they’re positioned to get the job they deserve.
Our Values
We believe a big part of what sets us apart is our core values, which were deepened
through serving our country. Those values include:
Integrity – We don’t accept funding from any branches of the Military or corporate HR departments; our singular allegiance is to the jobseekers we serve.
Respect – We have the deepest respect for those who are serving, have served, and surround those wo have served; that reverance guides every decision we make.
Commitment – We don’t think it’s enough to just help a veteran or spouse get a job. Nobody goes deeper, or stays involved longer, to help military-affiliated job seekers attain a rewarding career.
Focus – We have never strayed from our founding charter. If it doesn’t help active duty military, veterans or military spouses connect with a high-paying career, we won’t do it.
Efficiency – We are tirelessly devoted to ensuring every penny we spend advances our mission. Deloitte audits show that 96 cents on the dollar goes to that mission.
About the VetJobs OCEAN Family.
Chapter 1: Helping Military Spouses Thrive
The VetJobs OCEAN family had humble beginnings — founded with $323, in military housing, at the outset of the Iraq War. When Deb Kloeppel, a successful entrepreneur and senior executive at American Airlines, left her position to PCS overseas, she realized there was a need to better support the career aspirations of military spouses. She saw women and men who were accomplished, highly trained and highly educated, but suddenly found themselves living someplace very far away — because of their devotion to family and country. So, in 2004, Military Spouse Corporate Career Network (MSCCN) was born.
Chapter 2: 1 : 1 Job Placement Support for Active Duty Military and Veterans
MSCCN quickly grew to become the premiere job placement and career development facilitator for military spouses and family members. It was so successful that it inspired Deb and her husband, Rear Admiral Dan Kloeppel (U.S. Navy, ret.), to co-found CASY: Corporate America Supports You. Armed with a letter of need from the Army National Guard and startup money from Direct Employers, CASY was chartered in 2010, with the mission of providing free employment readiness, vocational training and one-on-one job placement services for National Guard, Reserves, transitioning service members and veterans of all branches of service. RADM Kloeppel — after a 36-year military career, plus 36 years as a commercial airline pilot — has gained a unique perspective on how to best support service members transitioning to the civilian workplace.
Chapter 3: Supporting Tens of Thousands, Joining Forces with VetJobs
From just under 500 job placements its first year, CASY quickly grew to become a powerhouse in helping military-affiliated job seekers connect to high paying, rewarding careers. By 2019, CASY and MSCCN had surpassed their 57,000th verified hired. It was at this point, with the financial help of Swift Transporation, that the opportunity emerged to acquire, the best-known, online military job board. One immediate impact was the addition of thousands of new applicants, now receiving our one-on-one help. With the addition of VetJobs, CASY and MSCCN had their most successful year ever in 2019, helping nearly 9,200 active duty service members, veterans, and military spouses connect to career opportunities.
To begin 2020, the VetJobs OCEAN family welcomed — powered by MSCCN, now sitting alongside, CASY.US and provides the same unparalleled career placement and advancement services to military spouses, caregivers, and military family members that MSCCN has delivered for years, as these onboarding gateways all lead to our same IBM technology, DirectEmployers Jobs, and our one-on-one assistance.