Diamond Gold Bronze
$50,000 $25,000 $5,000
Diamond Resource, Events, and Landing Page Logo Placement Gold Resource and Events Page Logo Placement Bronze Resource Page Logo Placement
Unlimited access to resumes, link on website to external job board, and unlimited Job Board placements Link on website to external job board and unlimited Job Board placements Unlimited Job Board placements
Premium Sponsor for 12 Virtual Networking Events Premium Sponsor for 5 Virtual Networking Events Premium Sponsor slot for 1 Virtual Networking Event
12 Blog Posts with post promotion on all V2I social media channels. V2I will provide up to 12 posts for the sponsor’s website blog with social media promotion upon request Four Blog Posts with post promotion on V2I social media channels One blog post on the V2I Website
V2I+ listing V2I+ listing V2I+ listing
Diamond company logo size and placement on graphics used at career fairs, veteran events, videos, promotional flyers, and social media platforms. Gold company logo size and placement on graphics used on videos, promotional flyers, and social media platforms Bronze company logo size and placement on graphics used on videos, promotional flyers, and social media platforms
“Made possible by” added to all newsletters and included in our monthly appreciation email and social media blasts for Diamond level sponsors for 12 months. Included in 4 quarterly e-mail and social media blasts to give appreciation for our “Gold” sponsors, promotional “shout-out” on the next newsletter following sponsorship Promotional “shout-out” on the next newsletter following sponsorship
12 promotional posts on all social media channels Five promotional posts on all social media channels One promotional post on all social media channels
Three Sponsored Webinars One Sponsored Webinar
Add 12 sponsored events per year to our calendar (advertise your outreach and hiring events) Add 5 sponsored events per year to our calendar (advertise your outreach and hiring events) Add 1 sponsored event per year to our calendar (advertise your outreach and hiring events)
50% discount on a-la-carte sponsorship opportunities 25% discount on a-la-carte sponsorship opportunities 10% discount on a-la-carte sponsorship opportunities
Diamond Resource, Events, and Landing Page Logo Placement
Unlimited access to resumes, link on website to external job board, and unlimited Job Board placements
Premium Sponsor for 12 Virtual Networking Events
12 Blog Posts with post promotion on all V2I social media channels. V2I will provide up to 12 posts for the sponsor’s website blog with social media promotion upon request
V2I+ listing
Diamond company logo size and placement on graphics used at career fairs, veteran events, videos, promotional flyers, and social media platforms.
“Made possible by” added to all newsletters and included in our monthly appreciation email and social media blasts for Diamond level sponsors for 12 months.
12 promotional posts on all social media channels
Three Sponsored Webinars
Add 12 sponsored events per year to our calendar (advertise your outreach and hiring events)
50% discount on a-la-carte sponsorship opportunities
Gold Resource and Events Page Logo Placement
Link on website to external job board and unlimited Job Board placements
Premium Sponsor for 5 Virtual Networking Events
Four Blog Posts with post promotion on V2I social media channels
V2I+ listing
Gold company logo size and placement on graphics used on videos, promotional flyers, and social media platforms
Included in 4 quarterly e-mail and social media blasts to give appreciation for our “Gold” sponsors, promotional “shout-out” on the next newsletter following sponsorship
Five promotional posts on all social media channels
One Sponsored Webinar
Add 5 sponsored events per year to our calendar (advertise your outreach and hiring events)
25% discount on a-la-carte sponsorship opportunities
Bronze Resource Page Logo Placement
Unlimited Job Board placements
Premium Sponsor slot for 1 Virtual Networking Event
One blog post on the V2I Website
V2I+ listing
Bronze company logo size and placement on graphics used on videos, promotional flyers, and social media platforms
Promotional “shout-out” on the next newsletter following sponsorship
One promotional post on all social media channels
Add 1 sponsored event per year to our calendar (advertise your outreach and hiring events)
10% discount on a-la-carte sponsorship opportunities
Local Resource Center
Includes Diamond Sponsorship level for 12 months, can be gifted to another organization if Sponsor is an individual
Pays salary for full-time V2I employee and expenses for a physical office for 3 years
Area served will be defined by an agreed-upon chamber of commerce area
Logo and name for the local resource center will be co-branded with an approved name chosen by the sponsor in perpetuity. EX: "The Booker T. Washington Vets2Industry Resource Center of Paulding County"
Local office will endeavor to find 100% of the local, regional, and national resources available to Veterans in its area and coordinate local events and outreach
75% discount on a-la-carte sponsorship opportunities in the defined "local" area
Description Details Notes
Co-Brand a booth at a hiring fair or veteran resource event Solo Co-Brand (mutually agreed on event): $4,000 Multiple Co-Brand on Booth Banner: $2,500 primary sponsors (Up to 2, includes rep at table), $500 secondary sponsor (Up to 4, train our rep), $50 Flyer at table (unlimited)
Event added to V2I calendar of events $1,000
In-Person Networking Events $2,000
V2I+ Listing $100/month If legal, Affiliate/Referral program must be added as well
Sponsor a Webinar $1,000 Must provide education valuable to Veterans, can’t just be a sales event
Job Board Placements Varies
Networking Event Sponsorship $2,000
VETS2INDUSTRY Annual Networking Conference
Dates: July 19-28, 2025 Location: Carnival Horizon
Description Details Notes
Workshop Sponsor $5,000 30 minutes to tell our Veterans and Non-Profits what you have to offer, inside cabin included
Cruise Sponsor $10,000 Marketing exposure, workshop and inside cabin included
Happy Hour Sponsor $20,000 Limit 4, Sponsor a networking hour on the cruise, marketing exposure, includes a workshop and an inside cabin
Swag Sponsor Varies Limit 1, cost varies on number of attendees for providing lanyards, shirts, and other swag
Premier Sponsor $30,000 Limit 1, Premier Exposure, Workshop included, two inside cabins

*Inside Cabin can be upgraded for additional cost

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