Showing 1 - 24 of 24
6 Stones Mission Network

6 Stones is building a coalition of churches, businesses, and others that provides solutions to meet the needs of our community.


Service Area:
A Soldier's Child Foundation

Our mission is to serve the Children of ALL fallen military personnel, who have lost their lives on active duty, and post service related deaths that were due to a service related injury or illness.


Service Area:
Academy Women

AcademyWomen is committed to the professional empowerment of military communities, active duty and veteran women from all commissioning sources, transitioning military veterans, military spouses, as well as cadet and midshipmen women.


Service Area:
American Corporate Partners (ACP)


Service Area:
Backpacks for Life

To provide unique and personalized support to our homeless and at-risk veterans who are struggling to reintegrate into civilian life.


Service Area:
New Jersey
Defenders of Freedom

Mission Statement

Defenders of Freedom provides donors with the organization they need to support post 9/11 Veterans in their transition to civilian life through emergency financial assistance, morale building programs, and traumatic brain injury treatment.


Our Story

Defenders of Freedom (DOF) was founded in 2004 by Donna Cranston. As the mother of a warrior deployed in Iraq, Donna combined her personal experiences as a military mom with her passion and desire to help our Veterans succeed with honor as they returned home. Raised in a family that instilled patriotism, Donna began her journey working with Veterans by sending care packages overseas to the Troops and participating in the Welcome Home a Hero program at the Dallas Fort Worth Airport. This program supported the Army’s Rest and Recuperation program for weary Soldiers who came home for 2 weeks during their yearlong tour. Donna attended her first DFW greeting in June of 2004, and it changed her life forever. Through these activities and the unfilled needs that Donna learned from her interactions with Veterans, she founded Defenders of Freedom as an avenue to connect the community to service members. Most Americans support our Troops, but just don’t know how they can help. They just needed a tangible way to participate. DOF began providing assistance to Veterans by sending care packages and providing emergency financial assistance to those that returned with disabilities and were badly in need. Donna listened to these men and women and responded to their needs. DOF expanded its services to include an evidence-based approach to treating Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) in Veterans.

TBI is the signature wound for post 9/11 Veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and historically, very little had been done to successfully treat the injury. Defenders of Freedom identified a solution to this debilitating injury and is committed to helping Veterans get this life changing treatment. Functional neurology is proving to improve the lives of the Veterans we put through the program. We believe it might be the most effective tool in combatting suicide among post 9/11 Veterans.

DOF serves both male and female Veterans who have deployed to the middle east. We have worked with Veterans across 32 states. Veterans are referred to us from the Department of Veteran Affairs (VA), crisis hotlines, local social service providers, and by word-of-mouth from other Veterans.

According to the Defense and Veterans Brain Injury Center, TBI is a significant health issue which affects service members and Veterans during times of both peace and war. This condition is estimated to have affected 370,000 service members since 2000. For every soldier killed since 2003, seven soldiers have been injured. Multiple deployments enhance the chances of leaving a tour with TBI. Many Soldiers make it home from war seemingly outwardly untouched, when in reality they are some of the most debilitated. What we have learned from Veterans is that until they receive proper treatment for a TBI, rather than just prescribed medication to address symptoms, their road to healing is both long and challenging. It is common for DOF to see Veterans who were stellar Soldiers while on active duty, now unable to hold down civilian jobs and have no idea why they are not able to properly function. DOF has worked tirelessly with these Veterans to help them get the care that they need to get them on the right path.

Defenders of Freedom’s primary goals are to provide care and transitional support for our Troops and Veterans, assistance with basic living necessities through short-term emergency financial support, address imminent physical and mental health issues, improve morale, keep Veterans engaged in a supportive community, and to provide access to Veterans with TBI to a comprehensive treatment protocol.

If you would like more information about our program you may contact us at: or



Dallas, TX

Kansas City, MO

Pittsburgh, PA

Pensacola, FL


Service Area:
Family Pathfinders

Empowering individuals and families to find their path from poverty to self-sufficiency.


Service Area:
Georgia Department of Veterans Service

Honored to serve Georgia’s veterans

We counsel, advise, and assist Georgia’s veterans and their families to receive the benefits they are entitled to under veteran’s laws.


Service Area:
Global SOF Foundation℠

The Global Special Operations Forces (SOF) Foundation (GSF) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that aims to build and grow an international network of military, government, commercial, and educational stakeholders in order to advance SOF capabilities and partnerships to confront global and networked threats.

FY21 Areas of Focus
With our opportunities to engage in person limited for FY2021 due to the Coronavirus, we are doubling our efforts on digital engagement and educating policymakers on SOF issues.

We’ve released our Areas of Focus to keep our Network active, strong, and connected!

Plus, don’t miss our “home” video where the whole staff shares each Area of Focus:

We will continue to educate policymakers on the SOF issues highlighted in our annual SOF Imperatives document
We will move forward with the planning impactful events for our Members, Partners, and Advisors–whether virtually or in-person

We will continue to publish episodes of our SOFspot Podcast
We have launched “SOF Stories from Quarantine”–video interviews about SOF events in history

We will execute Virtual Learning Opportunities & Capabilities Demonstrations for our Corporate Partners & Members
We will host Virtual Huddles for our Partners and Members to network in a time of social distancing

We are supporting The Honor Foundation’s Virtual Transition Course and working to plan more SOF for Life Seminars virtually
We have relaunched the SOF for Life Job Board with civilian careers well-suited for military Veterans

We will participate in at-home fitness events and challenges, inviting our network to join in and compete
We will continue to build our community by adding new individual Members and Corporate Partners

Why is the Global SOF Foundation necessary?
The world is growing more volatile, unpredictable, and threatening. The conduct of war continues to shift: from large-scale clashes between nations to those characterized by unconventional methods, as well as long-term engagements with and against non-state transnational groups. Countering these globally networked threats requires a global “good-guy” network that can innovate and operate at speeds that traditional governments cannot. The Global SOF Foundation (GSF), a non-profi t organization, is forging this “good-guy” network among the world’s special operations forces (SOF). It brings together military, government, industry, and intellectual leaders from around the world for the purpose of advancing the capability and efficacy of SOF.

What does the Global SOF Foundation do?
The GSF fills a critical gap in the national security discourse: leading an effort to link like-minded public and private entities and to increase understanding of the role that Special Operations can play in addressing global security challenges, especially those emanating from unconventional and transnational sources. The GSF is not a traditional charity but a professional association for SOF dedicated to advocating for SOF globally.
Specifically, the GSF:

Convenes a diverse set of stakeholders interested in the future of global SOF and security through unique networking opportunities and strategic, thought-provoking forums as well distributed media:

Regular networking events in the U.S. and overseas
Annual Global SOF Forums and Symposia held in the U.S. and overseas
Regular newsletters, unique website content, and other distributed media
Educates global policymakers in order to ensure SOF maintain a comparative advantage and are resourced for success
Serves as the “go to” SOF organization outside of military and government, with a plan to establish a “think team” (as opposed to a think tank) in Washington, D.C. focused on the study of SOF and asymmetric warfare

Works to identify cutting-edge technologies; future concepts; and innovations in training and education in order to advance the current and future force, and support international SOF partners


Service Area:
Heroes Linked


65% of veterans are likely to leave their first civilian job within 2 years.

The Heroes Linked Story
Heroes Linked was conceived by individuals who had not served in the U.S. military and wanted to actively honor those that did. Servicepersons transitioning out of active duty military have overwhelmingly said that the biggest challenge lying ahead of them is navigating the civilian job market. And their ranks will swell in coming years. Defense cutbacks will push more than 100,000 servicepersons out of the military each year for the next decade, including tens of thousands who expected their service to be a career.

Heroes Linked rests upon the simple premise that Americans who did not serve in the military possess something that is of great value to Veterans and servicepersons transitioning out of the military – their career experiences and knowledge of the private sector job market. The question was, how could such knowledge be best imparted to the thousands that could benefit from it? Understanding the power of personal mentoring for both Advisor and Advisee, the challenge was adapting the model to fit the needs of the swelling Veterans community. The result became Heroes Linked.

Utilizing and array of cutting edge communication technologies, Heroes Linked is disrupting the personal mentoring paradigm to make it accessible, mobile, and scalable.

Heroes Linked recognizes that family is the heart of the U.S. Armed Forces. We welcome Gold Star families and the spouses of our veterans and servicepersons in transition. They deserve to receive the same level of assistance as their loved ones in uniform.

Heroes linked is
Industry Diverse – Geographically dispersed – Represents all levels of professional achievement.


Service Area:
Military Transition Roundtable (MTR)

Many military personnel today are frustrated with the transition process. Stories of submitting dozens, if not over hundreds of resumes, with no response are not uncommon. While Department of Defense (DoD) and non-military transition programs are focused on the skills required to transition, they have not resolved this frustration.


Our MasterMind cohorts take like-mined individuals who will meet on a regular basis to share challenges, receive feedback/ideas, and discuss/refine action plans. Our goal in this program is to build an accountability group within cohorts. The MasterMinds group would be implemented as “Top Off” and “Capstone” programs that would augment and enhance the current DoD provided Transition Assistance Programs


Service Area:
Military Warriors Support Foundation

Our mission is to provide programs that facilitate a smooth and successful transition for our nation’s combat-wounded veterans and Gold Star families. Our programs focus on housing and homeownership, recreational activities, transportation assistance and leadership development. Through select programs, we have awarded nearly 900 mortgage-free homes and payment-free vehicles to combat-wounded heroes, Gold Star spouses and their families in all 50 states. In addition to the home or vehicle, the families receive family and financial mentoring.

Our Programs:
H.O.P.E. 4 Heroes
We are excited to introduce a new opportunity for female veterans. HOPE House is a shared living environment, which will serve three female veterans while they pursue vocational training or a higher education. The low-cost monthly fee will ease the stress of higher rent payments, allowing them to focus on a new direction for their lives.

In addition to safe and secure living quarters, veterans will be provided a life financial mentor. Working together to develop a plan, the mentor and veteran will communicate monthly, reviewing budgets, credit reports, savings goals, and exploring new opportunities, while setting goals for lifelong success.

Requirements to Apply:
1. Must be a female veteran.
2. Must be actively enrolled in a vocational school

Transportation 4 Heroes
Awards payment-free vehicles to veterans wounded in direct combat with an enemy force & unmarried Gold Star spouses who’s loved one was killed-in-action. In addition to the vehicle, the recipient will receive 1-year of family and financial mentoring.

Requirements to Apply:
1a. Must be a veteran wounded during combat (Purple Heart recipients given priority) or wounded during combat training from any American military conflict.
1b. Must be an unmarried Gold Star Spouse of a veteran who was Killed-In-Action or Killed during combat training.
2. Must be honorably retired or separated from the military or within 90 days of discharging.
3. Must be able to obtain vehicle insurance.
4. Must not have more than 1 vehicle loan/lease per household.

Homes 4 Wounded Heroes & Homes 4 Gold Stars
Awards mortgage-free homes to veterans wounded in direct combat with an enemy force & unmarried Gold Star spouses whose loved one was killed-in-action. In addition to the home, the recipient will receive 3-years of family and financial mentoring.

Requirements to Apply:
1a. Must be a veteran wounded during combat (Purple Heart recipients given priority) or wounded during combat training from any American military conflict
1b. be an unmarried Gold Star Spouse of a veteran who was Killed-In-Action or killed during combat training
2. Must be honorably retired or separated from the military or within 90 days of discharging.
3. Must intend to use this home as your Primary Residence. Priority will be given to applicants who do not currently have a mortgage

Skills 4 Life
Providing recreational outings and peer-to-peer mentorship to veterans wounded in direct combat with an enemy force & unmarried Gold Star spouses whose loved one was killed-in-action with hunting, fishing and golfing adventures.

Upcoming Events that you may be eligible for: (If order to qualify, you must have applied and submitted documentation to be considered for this program.) To apply for these events, please choose the event’s application below.

Requirements to Apply:
1a. Must be a service member wounded during combat (Purple Heart recipients given priority) or wounded during combat training from any American military conflict.
1b. Must be an unmarried Gold Star Spouse or Gold Star child of a veteran or who was Killed-In-Action or Killed during combat training.

2. Must be honorably retired or separated from the military or within 90 days of discharging.

Vehicles 4 Heroes
Do you have a vehicle that you do not want or need and you want to make sure it has a purpose?
DONATE IT! We are pleased to accept any vehicle, in any condition! Fill out the donation form, click below! Once you submit the form, a member of our Team will be reaching out to you to discuss next steps!

If you have any questions or concerns, you can call to speak to a member of our Team, please call (877) 679-HERO (4376)

Leadership 4 Life
A one-year program focusing on recommissioning combat wounded veterans for the mission of life. We believe that everyone is here for a purpose. Leadership4Life is here to help you find yours and walk with you while you develop a plan to execute and fulfill that purpose. This one-year program has been carefully developed as an empowering journey that will ultimately redeploy you into your life, family and community.

Requirements to Apply:
1. Must be a veteran wounded during combat (Purple Heart recipients given priority) or wounded during combat training from any American military conflict
2. Must be honorably retired or separated from the military or be less than 90 days prior to discharging


Service Area:
Mission Wisconsin

For Transitioning Service Members:
We are dedicated to serving all military veterans including their spouses and families by connecting them to professional opportunities, resources, and benefits throughout the State of Wisconsin.
For Businesses and Employers in Wisconsin:
We aim to assist Wisconsin businesses in attracting, retaining, and developing veteran and spouse talent and relations within their companies and the communities they live in.

The vision of Mission Wisconsin is to help employers connect with service members transitioning out of the military, spouses/life partners, and veterans through direct engagement.
Connecting service members and families to Wisconsin employers and communities by consulting with Wisconsin businesses on building sustainable transitioning service members and spouses’ programs.

Mission Wisconsin is defined by the same values that are instilled in all of us who have served this great nation: leave no brother or sister behind.
Taking the sea of goodwill that exists for those who have served and building connections for them within Wisconsin.
Helping them maintain camaraderie in our communities and businesses through collaboration with our nationally leading resources here in Wisconsin.


Service Area:
Quad Cities Veteran's Network

The QCVN delivers a networking event series that meets monthly to connect transitioning service members, veterans, and their spouses to employers, mentors, and other resource providers in the Quad Cities area.


Service Area:
Soldiers to Sidelines


Soldiers To Sidelines provides training and opportunities for military members to be excellent coaches in various sports so they will inspire, motivate, and encourage athletes.


Service Area:
District of Columbia
The Honor Foundation

Serving one of the most elite communities in the world would be impossible without an equally elite group of people willing to do the work that service entails. From our hands-on Board of Directors to THF Staff to SOF Advisors, these individuals truly dedicate time and treasure to our programs, and every person involved in our Mission creates impact. Our people are our greatest asset.

Our Program

By creating an institution specifically designed to serve the U.S. Special Operations Forces (SOF), THF has been well-defined from the beginning. Every aspect of our program has been inspired by the way Special Operators work in the field.

Our curriculum focuses on key transitional readiness themes isolated through extensive research and feedback. It reflects the precise knowledge and experience a Special Operator needs to navigate any transition throughout his or her career.

The Breakdown
1. Application
2. Selection
3. Admission
4. Assessment
5. Phase 1 “You”
6. Phase 2 “Your Gear”
7. Phase 3 “Your Workup”
8. Network


Service Area:
California, North Carolina, Virginia
The K.E.Y.


What does The K.E.Y stand for?

Keep Elevating Yourself

What is The K.E.Y?

Our intent is to bring everyone together, in hopes that we can help & continue to elevate others – as we are stronger together. The K.E.Y is purely a volunteer endeavor – we DO NOT charge any of the participants who join us. We plan & facilitate events for FREE that we feel our community can benefit from.

We provide/host workshops, presentations & panels for multiple entities that support our milcommunity. We aim to raise awareness & connect our community to one another globally.


Service Area:
Three Rangers Foundation

Provide the best experts, advice, and assistance in every aspect of the transition journey; spiritual, physical, behavioral, employment, financial,
legal, family, and education.

Our focus is to specifically help Rangers, Ranger Gold Star Families from the US Army’s 75th Ranger Regiment, to include Veterans of affiliated supporting units. These selfless servants are consistently called onto be the tip of the spear, who “shoulder more than my share of the task” and subsequently are the most heavily burdened with the rigors of combat. The needs of these warriors are unique and assisting their transition back to civilian life is a primary focus
of the foundation.

We support the 75th Ranger Regiment’s unit level transition program, Ranger for Life, by ensuring benchmark assistance for our veterans through an extensive trusted network of former Rangers within the Transition Big 5: Education; Financial Wellness; Benefits/Medical; Transition Mentors and Networking; Fitness and Wellness.
The purpose is to create enhanced opportunities for Rangers that allow them to thrive through a military career and succeed in post-military life. “I will never leave a fallen comrade”


Service Area:
Veterans Breaking into IT/Cyber

Veterans Breaking Into IT/Cybersecurity Mentorship


Service Area:

Join thousands of Service Members, Veterans, and Military Spouses in setting up free 1-hr mentorship phone calls with successful professionals. We’re the only Veteran Mentorship Platform to let you choose your own mentors and as many as you would like; our average member selects 4 mentors, and some mentees have 25+ mentors! Create a free profile at Veterati to get unlimited access to thousands of volunteer mentors: CEOs, recruiters, entrepreneurs, managers, Veterans & civilians alike.


Service Area:

We keep challenges from turning into crises
Vets4Warriors, housed at the Rutgers University Behavioral Health Care National Call Center in New Jersey, is a one-of-a-kind 24/7 peer support network. Originally supported by the National Guard Bureau and the U.S. Department of Defense, today Vets4Warriors operates independently of the U.S. military, complementing official government resources available to service members and veterans. We are committed to ensuring that all veterans, service members, their families, and caregivers always have direct and immediate access to a peer who understands their life experiences and the challenges they face, and can provide support whenever they confront an issue, wherever they are in the world.

Our Philosophy
We believe that there is no physical, mental, or social challenge that we can’t help find a solution for. Regardless of the complexity of the issue, or how long it takes, we will continue to follow up, seek out possible avenues, and pursue different options until an answer is found. We go the extra mile.

Who we serve
We serve veterans of all generations and the entire military community, from those who just put on a uniform, to the caregiver of a veteran who has long since stopped wearing a uniform.


Service Area:
Warrior Women United

It is a sisterhood that provides a safe and supportive environment for healing, for learning ways to overcome challenges, find the peace within, improve well-being, and transition to civilian life.


Service Area:
Warriors Breaking Bread

We are Veterans of the Military and First Responder Communities whose service continues as peer leaders creating gathering spaces each month meant to encourage grassroots meaningful human connection.


Service Area:
Florida, Washington