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MilitaryOneSource – State Licensing

The state licensing and career credentials initiative is designed to help make it easier to transition your credentials to a new state. Whether you’re already a licensed or certified professional, or are planning to become one, the process will now be easier for service members and their spouses when relocating.


Service Area:
MilitaryOneSource – State Policy

Explore the map to see and learn what states are making progress on the key issues.


Service Area:
National Veteran-Owned Business Association (NaVOBA)
About US

     NaVOBA is an independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and two-thirds of NaVOBA’s Board of Directors seats are held by corporations to ensure its alignment with the needs of corporate supplier diversity programs. NaVOBA’s VBE/SDVBE certifications directly mirror those of the MBE and WBE certifications and ensures that any certified VBE/SDVBE is at least 51% owned, operated and controlled by one or more U.S. military veterans.

NaVOBA has trademarked the “Certified Veteran’s Business Enterprise™” and “Certified Service-Disabled Veteran’s Business Enterprise™” designations wordmarks and seals, making NaVOBA the exclusive organization certifying VBEs/SDVBEs for the private sector.

NaVOBA’s process collects the applicant’s military service record information directly from the U.S. Federal Government on the veteran’s behalf immediately upon initializing the application to eliminate the possibility of fraudulent submissions (e.g. the OPPOSITE of self-certification) while simultaneously accelerating the process.

Like other certifications, site-visits will be conducted in 100 percent of cases however, VBE/SDVBE certifications are good for two (2) years. NaVOBA employs a dedicated team of full-time documentation analysts, dramatically increasing efficiency and reducing processing time relative to existing programs. Finally, and most importantly to the veteran-owned firms, the cost is substantially less than any other private sector veteran-owned business certification.

     In April of 2019, NaVOBA joined the National Business Inclusion Consortium joining our partners at the National LGBT Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC), Disability:IN, the National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC), US Black Chamber of Commerce (USBCCC), US Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (USHCC), US Pan Asian American Chamber of Commerce (USPAAC, WEConnect International, Women Impacting Public Policy (WIPP), and the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC).


Service Area:
Texas Veterans Commission


Since 1927, the mission of the Texas Veterans Commission has been to advocate for and provide superior service to veterans that will significantly improve the quality of life for all Texas veterans, their families, and survivors.


The Texas Veterans Commission will aggressively advocate for Texas veterans, their families, and survivors.

The Texas Veterans Commission will provide quality service through eight program areas: Claims Representation and Counseling, Veterans Employment Services, Veterans Education, Veteran Entrepreneur Program, Health Care Advocacy, Veterans Mental Health Program, Women Veterans Program, and the Fund for Veterans’ Assistance.

The Texas Veterans Commission will provide quality service through a dedicated, professional, and well trained workforce.

The Texas Veterans Commission will connect with all veterans across the state, and tailor its service to meet their needs and the needs of their families and survivors.

The Texas Veterans Commission will take the lead in coordinating efforts between our eight programs and with federal, state, and local governmental offices and private organizations that provide services and assistance to veterans.

The Texas Veterans Commission will ensure that Texas veterans maintain the highest quality of life and well-being through its advocacy and dedication to veterans’ services.

We hold ourselves personally and professionally accountable to provide exemplary customer service to veterans, their families, and survivors through our core values.


Perform your duties to the highest standard and providing excellent customer service in every program area.


Provide fair, honest and objective advocacy in an ethical manner while displaying the highest standard of conduct both on and off duty.


Consistently demonstrate care, concern and understanding in every encounter with Veterans, family members and stakeholders.


Fully dedicated to develop yourself to become the best you can be in carrying out the mission of the TVC.


Working together in a positive and productive manner to accomplish the mission and goals of the agency.

The Texas Veterans Commission was created in 1927 as the State Service Office to assist veterans of the Indian wars, Spanish-American War and World War I. Our purpose has always been to act as the state appointed advocate of Texas veterans as they attempt to secure the benefits rightfully earned in exchange for their service in our nation’s armed forces.

We are able to do this through our eight program areas:

  • Claims Representation and Counseling serves veterans, their dependents and survivors, in all matters pertaining to veterans’ disability benefits and rights. It is the designated agency of the state of Texas to represent the State and its veterans before the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).
  • Veterans Education Program approves all programs for Chapter 30, 33, 35, 1606, and 1607 federal educational benefits. Through an approval process, the Texas Veterans Commission ensures that institutions and employers are in compliance with federal guidelines and are qualified to provide the type of training offered.
  • Veterans Employment Services offers employment services to Texas veterans and helps employers find qualified veteran job applicants. The goal of these services is to match veteran job seekers with the best employment opportunities available.
  • The purpose of the Veteran Entrepreneur Program (VEP) is to foster and promote veteran entrepreneurship throughout the state of Texas.  The Texas Veterans Commission, with the help of the Governor’s office and several prominent Legislators, passed Senate Bill 1476 in 2013. This allowed for the funding of a team of experienced business consultants to be available for any veteran in the state of Texas to consult with, free of charge to the veteran.
  • Fund for Veterans’ Assistance is a program that makes grants to eligible charitable organizations, local government agencies, and Veterans Service Organizations (VSOs) that provide direct services to Texas veterans and their families.
  • The Health Care Advocacy Department is a team of highly-trained Texas Veteran Commission staff, strategically positioned across the state to act as liaisons for Texas veterans in addressing issues involving Veterans Administration health care related services.
  • In collaboration with the Department of State Health Services, the Texas Veterans Commission’s Veterans Mental Health Program consists of multiple initiatives focusing on peer support, clinical mental health care access, and community collaboration.
  • The Women Veterans Program serves women veterans by helping them to obtain their benefits and services. We strive to raise awareness of women veteran contributions and services to our country and state, as well as inform and educate women veterans and their resource providers about the benefits and services to women veterans.

Through these program areas, the Texas Veterans Commission provides excellent service so that each veteran receives every benefit that they deserve. As a veteran works with our counselors, the quality of life for that veteran and their family significantly increases.

Today, Texas is leading the country by making sure each veteran is represented and cared for. The people of Texas have sent a clear message that the sacrifices made by veterans and their families are deeply appreciated, and that there is an agency that will stand by them and take care of them: the Texas Veterans Commission.


Service Area:
Texas – Military Spouses

Many states have laws to make it easier for military spouses relocating from out of state to carry their occupational licenses to a new state. Use the map and license finder tool below to find out where to apply for an occupational license in a new state. You can search by occupation, job title, license name, or state agency.


Service Area: