Understand VA Disability Ratings!

Understand VA Disability Ratings!

Below are links to resources that will help you better understand VA disability ratings.

🗣 Your Monthly Reminder About VA Disability❗️

✅ Understand VA disability ratings!

🔸Compensation 101: How did I get this rating?


🔸Compensation 101: What is Disability Compensation?


🔸Compensation 101: What is Service Connection?


✅ Understand the Benefits Delivery Discharge & Full Developed Claim process



✅ Work with VSO


✅ Get All medical concerns addressed. Make appointments with your PCM, specialists, physical / mental therapy, updated prescriptions, etc

✅ Make sure your medical records are documented. Going to Doc just for Motrin isn’t enough

✅ Get records of ALL and ANY civilian hospitals you visited

💥 TIP – sometimes TRICARE online will have uploaded “documents” that didn’t make it into your AHLTA/Genesis & paper jacket


✅ Personal and Buddy statements



✅ Study the 38 CFR and DBQ’s



✅ Understand C&P Exams

🔸Your VA Claim Exam: Know What’s Next. https://lnkd.in/deW2G-y

🔸Helpful Tips: https://lnkd.in/d2yEkTx

🔸VA Exam FAQ’s: https://lnkd.in/djurxwy

🔸Improve your VA Experience: https://lnkd.in/daxK-s3

🔸Understanding MH Exams: https://lnkd.in/dHP__DK

🔸Understanding Review Exams: https://lnkd.in/dBbvafq

🔸VA C&P Exam Videos:


Originally posted at https://www.linkedin.com/posts/tyrone-hewitt-mhs_va-disability-guide-activity-6993258030834348033-O3Zb reposted with permission from author Tyrone Hewitt.