Lone Survivor Foundation


Retired Navy SEAL Marcus Luttrell’s #1 New York Times bestseller, Lone Survivor, tells the story of his teammate’s strength and dedication to each other and to their country during ORW, a mission to gather intelligence on Taliban leadership in Afghanistan. Marcus was the only survivor of this 2005 mission. Though he was badly injured in the ambush that claimed the lives of his team, he survived until American forces rescued him six days later.

Marcus Luttrell’s Texas ranch was the center of his post-combat recovery.  It was there that he learned that effective healing can require more than the standard government treatment plan of talk therapy and medication.  He wanted other military families to have the opportunity to step out of their daily routines and come to a place of peace; a place where they could obtain tools for healing while being surrounded by other people who understand them.  Marcus founded Lone Survivor Foundation in 2010 to provide that opportunity while honoring the warriors that gave their lives in service to our country in ORW.


Lone Survivor Foundation’s mission is to provide Veterans and their families with a path to healing from their invisible wounds.


Build 3 – 4 nationally recognized therapeutic program facilities to allow us to better fulfill our mission and serve our growing waiting list of service members, veterans and families in need.

Stabilize and enhance family structures and relationships through education, counseling, support, and inspiration using short-term and referral programs.

Inspire and motivate Americans to recognize and offer support, mentorship, and care for our wounded service members, veterans and their families.