Lessons Learned Veteran Podcast

Lessons Learned Veteran Podcast

Enjoy the newest veteran podcast by Lori Norris. Celebrating its launch on Veteran’s Day 2020, Lessons Learned For Vets Podcast explores details from veterans who successfully transitioned to the corporate world, vetrepreneurs who chose a different kind of career path, and recruiters from organizations. Q&A sessions with service members who are transitioning out of the military. Each veteran podcast episode is packed with keen insight, advice for current business practices, and actionable tasks that military personnel can implement into their own transition to a post-military career.

On a mission to teach veterans how to successfully navigate their military transition since 2005, Lori Norris hosts the show and skillfully incorporates her ability to translate the language of all branches of military service. Her conversations with diverse guests illuminate relevant career guidance, resources for eager small business owners and the perspective of recruiters and talent acquisition specialists who are searching for veteran hires with applicable skill sets.

Veterans on Lessons Learned for Vets explain the keys to their success as well as the challenges they did not anticipate, so that those who transition after them may take note and avoid repeating their mistakes. Not shying away from difficult topics, some guests even discuss how to navigate your transition while fighting against Post-traumatic Stress (PTS), when to walk away from a successful corporate career because it’s not a good fit for you, and many more subjects that aren’t always covered through the usual channels.

According to a recent study by the Pew Research Center, roughly 2/3 of veterans leave their first post-military job. The same survey quoted more than four-in-ten veterans as saying the military didn’t prepare them for the transition to civilian life. This podcast was created to change that statistic. At the end of every episode, Lori says that if you learned just one thing that will help smooth your path to post-military success, then she achieved her goal.

The Lessons Learned for Vets podcast is intended for service members who want actionable tasks in order to prepare for their post-military careers. You can listen when it’s convenient for you, instead of cramming years’ worth of knowledge into one week. Depending on who you ask, there are steps you can take right out of Basic Training—so it’s never too soon to start thinking about your next career chapter. Episodes are released every Wednesday morning and the podcast can be found at Lessons Learned For Vets Podcast or on all the major channels.




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