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Cheyenne VA Medical Center

The mission of a Community Living Center is to restore each Veteran to his or her highest level of well being. It is also to prevent declines in health and to provide comfort at the end of life.


Service Area:
Hunting with Heroes
Partnering with the Wyoming Game and Fish, and using their big game donated license program – a program that allows anyone to donate a big game license to be reissued to a disabled veteran – Hunting with Heroes Wyoming matches veterans with a license, provides guide services, rifles and other gear, game processing and room and board if required.


Service Area:
Sheridan VA Medical Center

The mission of a Community Living Center is to restore each Veteran to his or her highest level of well being. It is also to prevent declines in health and to provide comfort at the end of life.


Service Area:
Wyoming Wildlife Federation Wounded Veteran Hunts
Wyoming Wildlife Federation participates in the Wounded Veteran Hunt program, which is intended to honor wounded servicemen and women for their duty and service by providing them with a complementary hunting experience in Wyoming’s beautiful backcountry.


Service Area: