About DoD TAP
The Transition Assistance Program (TAP) provides information and training to ensure Service members transitioning from active-duty are prepared for their next step in life – whether pursuing additional education, finding a job in the public or private sector or starting their own business.
TAP is a cohesive, modular, outcome-based program that bolsters and standardizes the opportunities, services and training that Service members receive to better prepare them to pursue their post-military career goals.
The TAP curriculum is an outcome-based curriculum that transforms the way the military prepares Service members for transition back to civilian life. The curriculum is designed to provide Service members with the resources, tools, services and skill-building training needed to meet Career Readiness Standards (CRS). Shortly before departing the military, Service members demonstrate achievement of these standards to their command through a verification process called Capstone. This process includes an opportunity to connect Service members who may need additional assistance to agency partners who provide them with additional support.
The John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act of 2019 (FY19 NDAA) authorized many changes to the TAP, to be implemented late 2019. The purpose of the program will remain the same, but the TAP process will be updated to reflect the requirements in the NDAA.
About the Military-Civilian Transition Office
The DoD Military-Civilian Transition Office (MCTO) formed as a result of a merger between two DoD programs under the Defense Human Resources Activity’s Defense Personnel and Family Support Center to provide streamlined services to members of the armed forces and their families.
The Office for Reintegration Programs (ORP) combined with the Department of Defense (DoD) Transition to Veterans Program Office (TVPO) to efficiently deliver resources to transitioning Service members, members of the National Guard and Reserve, their families and communities worldwide in January 2020.
The DoD Military-Civilian Transition Office (MCTO) is responsible for designing, overseeing, and evaluating TAP. MCTO provides transition assistance policy and program oversight to promote, advance, and instill a culture of career-ready Service members.
Transition Assistance Curriculum
The TAP curriculum for Service members transitioning to civilian life.
Online Transition Assistance Curriculum
The Transition Assistance Program Curriculum has moved from Joint Knowledge Online.
Service members looking to receive official credit/certification for TAP courses, can take the courses online via the new Transition Training Portal (https://tapevents.org/courses).
Veterans, Family Members, and Caregivers can also access the curriculum online.
Select ‘Get Started’ to start a course. If you want to resume a course you previously started, use the link that was sent in your registration confirmation email, or complete the registration form with the same information.
Transition Services
Managing Your Transition Timeline (https://www.dodtap.mil/rest/docs?filename=Managing_Your_Transition_Timeline.pdf)
Download your VMET (https://www.dodtap.mil/login.html)
milConnect (https://www.dmdc.osd.mil/milconnect)
Veterans Administration Careers and Employment (VEC) (https://www.va.gov/careers-employment/)
Veterans’ Employment and Training Services (VETS) (https://www.dol.gov/vets)
The following Resources and Tools provide additional information and planning assistance for transitioning Service members and their spouses.
he following links to external sources provide additional information and resources to transitioning Service members, their spouses, and Veterans.
Service-specific Transition Assistance Program Sites
Army TAP (https://www.sfl-tap.army.mil/)
Navy TAP (https://www.cnic.navy.mil/ffr/family_readiness/fleet_and_family_support_program/work-and-family-life/transition_assistance.html)
Air Force TAP (http://www.afpc.af.mil/Transition-Assistance-Program)
Marines TAP (http://www.usmc-mccs.org/services/career/transition-readiness/)
Coast Guard TAP (http://www.dcms.uscg.mil/Our-Organization/Assistant-Commandant-for-Human-Resources-CG-1/Health-Safety-and-Work-Life-CG-11/Office-of-Work-Life-CG-111/Transition-Assistance-Program/)
Resources for Veterans
Veterans Education and Training (http://www.benefits.va.gov/gibill/)
Submit feedback (http://www.benefits.va.gov/gibill/feedback.asp) on problems with schools when using Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits and the Military Tuition Assistance Program
FedsHireVets.gov (https://www.fedshirevets.gov/)
Partnering Agencies
Department of Veterans Affairs (http://www.benefits.va.gov/VOW/tap.asp)
Department of Labor (http://www.dol.gov/vets)
Office of Personnel Management (https://www.opm.gov/)
Department of Education (http://www.ed.gov/veterans-and-military-families)
Small Business Administration, Boots to Business Entrepreneurship Track (http://www.sba.gov/bootstobusiness)
Department of Defense Resources
Department of Reserve Affairs (http://www.people.mil/)
milConnect (https://www.dmdc.osd.mil/milconnect)
Military OneSource (http://www.militaryonesource.mil/)
Military Crisis Line (http://www.veteranscrisisline.net/ActiveDuty.aspx) (1-800-273-8255, Press 1)
DoD’s Compensation and Benefits Handbook (http://warriorcare.dodlive.mil/benefits/compensation-and-benefits/)
DoD SkillBridge (https://dodskillbridge.usalearning.gov/)
TAP Events (https://tapevents.org/)
Transition Assistance Program Curriculum Overview (https://www.dodtap.mil/rest/docs?filename=TAP_Curriculum_Overview.pdf)
Managing Your Transition Timeline (https://www.dodtap.mil/rest/docs?filename=Managing_Your_Transition_Timeline.pdf)
Statement of Benefits for Military Members (https://www.dodtap.mil/rest/docs?filename=Statement_of_Benefits.pdf)
Benefits Guide for Reserve Component Military Members (https://www.dodtap.mil/rest/docs?filename=Benefits_Guide_Reserve_Component.docx)
Career Readiness Standards (CRS) Overview Info Sheet (https://www.dodtap.mil/rest/docs?filename=CRS_and_Capstone.pdf)
DoDI 1332.35 (https://www.esd.whs.mil/Portals/54/Documents/DD/issuances/dodi/133235p.pdf?ver=2018-11-08-133557-850)
TAP/CRS Compliance (https://www.dodtap.mil/rest/docs?filename=VOW-CRS_Compliance_Info_Sheet–DoDTAP_Perf_Meas.pdf)
Financial Planning Worksheet (https://www.dodtap.mil/rest/docs?filename=Transition_GPS_Financial_Planning_Worksheet.xlsx)
DoD Self-Assessment Worksheet (https://www.dodtap.mil/rest/docs?filename=DoD_Self-Assessment_Worksheet.pdf)
TAP Counselor Tool_Locked_Updated Scoring 10_3 (https://www.dodtap.mil/rest/docs?filename=TAP_Counselor_Tool_Locked_Updated_Scoring_10_3.xlsx)
Military Career Fields and Civilian Equivalents – A Primer (https://www.dodtap.mil/rest/docs?filename=Intangible_Skills_and_Military_Fields_Primer_Handout.pdf)
Transition Forms
The following forms are used by TAP staff to document Service members’ separations.
DD eForm 2648 (https://www.dodtap.mil/rest/docs?filename=Blank_eForm_PDF_Print_Out.pdf)- Service Member Pre-Separation / Transition Counseling and Career Readiness Standards eForm for Service Members Separating, Retiring, Released from Active Duty (REFRAD)
The following forms have been superseded by the above DD eForm 2648, and are no longer utilized to document a Service member’s separation.
DD Form 2648 – Active Duty Pre-Separation Checklist
DD Form 2648-1 – National Guard and Reserve Pre-Separation Checklist
DD Form 2958 – Individual Transition Plan (ITP) Checklist
Partnering Agencies
In addition to the military departments, the Transition Assistance Program is the result of an interagency partnership between the Department of Defense (DoD), Department of Labor (DOL), Department of Education (ED), Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), Department of Homeland Security (DHS), in conjunction with the Small Business Administration (SBA), and the Office of Personnel Management (OPM).
U.S. Department of Labor:
• The DOL conducts a one day employment overview that teaches Service members vital skills such as how to build a resume and prepare for an interview. Their contribution to the curriculum also includes the DOL Employment Track and the DOL Vocational Track. After transition, DOL’s local One-Stop Career Centers located across the nation continue to assist veterans in meeting their employment goals through a range of services including job placement, career counseling, and occupational training.
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs:
• The VA is responsible for educating transitioning Service members on the wide range of veterans’ benefits available to them and assisting with the process of applying for benefits during the transition process. The VA contributions to the TAP curriculum includes the VA Benefits and Services brief. After separation, the VA continues to provide educational and vocational counseling to Service members.
U.S. Office of Personnel Management:
• OPM provides Service members with an overview of Federal employment, the careers offered within the Federal government and a linkage to the kinds of occupations and competencies transitioning Service members and veterans have. It also acquaints transitioning Service members and veterans with resources to support them in obtaining work with the Federal Government, including the Veterans Employment Program Office, which offers career tools such as a Military Skills Translator, a Resume Builder and a federal job search database.
U.S. Small Business Administration:
• The SBA’s “Boots to Business” is the Entrepreneurship Track that helps Service members understand the dynamics involved in developing and sustaining a business. It includes discussion of the key components of a business plan and has information on identifying required resources. It also provides the opportunity for Service members to learn from other business owners. Service members can continue their education with an eight-week online course covering the principles of accounting, finance, market analysis, planning, business operations, sales, and more. SBA’s support for veteran entrepreneurs continues after TAP, providing veterans with counseling and training services, access to capital and preparing them to compete for government contracts.
U.S. Department of Education:
• The ED promotes the success of TAP for Service members and their families by communicating available information and expertise regarding college access, success, and affordability, financial aid and programs specifically sponsored or overseen by ED for the benefit of Service members.