Showing 1 - 5 of 5
Bunker Labs

Bunker Labs helps veteran entrepreneurs and military spouses find the quickest route to a successful business.


Service Area:
California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, District of Columbia
Montana VA Healthcare System Miles City Community Living Center

The mission of a Community Living Center is to restore each Veteran to his or her highest level of well being. It is also to prevent declines in health and to provide comfort at the end of life.


Service Area:
The Commit Foundation

The COMMIT Foundation objective is to connect service members and veterans to a professional network that encourages them to widen their apertures and translate their cultivated professional skills to a meaningful career in the civilian sector. Our programs uniquely expose service members and veterans to opportunities they may never seek out due to a lack of information or confidence.

Addresses may not be exact.


Service Area:
Maryland, Montana, Texas, District of Columbia
Warrior Transition Outdoors

Who We Are

It began as an idea over a decade ago.

The seed for Warrior Transition Outdoors was planted in 2010 while our co-founder Gavin was on tour in Afghanistan. Many of the soldiers around him were talking about life after the military. They recognized a gap between what resources and help the Military offers and civilian life. Many of their comrades expressed feeling alone in the civilian world. No matter how intertwined they became in civilian life, they would always be a Veteran — a person who signed the dotted line knowing they very well could lose their life for that decision, yet moved forward anyway in service of their country. Not many people can relate.

Gavin and a few of his fellow soldiers kept talking about their love for the outdoors and how they could use this passion as a transitional service for Veterans, not only to connect with other Veterans and find resources for their next life stage, but also to simply be outdoors and allow Mother Nature to do what she does best to us in our trying times — provide clarity.

Years would pass. Gavin and his brother and co-founder Gabe continued to talk passionately about the project, knowing one day it would become a reality. And thank God for those years! They discovered core components to include in the organization, like the Family Advocacy division, met key connections, and found themselves in Montana, a place truly known for its natural splendor. The seed had been sown years prior and finally found fertile soil in Montana where it is taking root as Warrior Transition Outdoors.


Service Area:
Warriors & Quiet Waters

WQW provides respite from the stresses of war, the monotony of lengthy hospital stays and traditional therapy, and the many day-to-day struggles involved in their journey home. WQW serves active duty special operations military personnel, post 9/11 veterans, spouses, dependents and caregivers, recognizing the positive impact a Fishing Experience has upon service members who continue to experience high stress and kinetic environments.


Service Area: