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Alaska Warrior Partnership

Alaska Warrior Partnership™ (AKWP) is a veteran-focused, community-led initiative to proactively connect with all veterans and ensure access to quality resources and opportunities available in collaboration with the community. Alaska boasts the highest veteran population per capita with more than 65,000 calling Alaska home. The state also hosts one of the largest military installations in the country and while there is a well-knit support structure for active duty and their families; that support structure becomes disjointed and not easily navigated when our service members become veterans. There is a plethora of support and opportunities in Alaska, but many are not aware of them or the benefits they’ve earned.  Likewise, veteran organizations and other community offerings do not have the capacity or can be unaware of how to connect with veterans.

AKWP is standing by to serve veterans, their families, and caregivers in Alaska. Coordinated assistance with veterans’ benefits and connections to local and national resources are just a call away!


Service Area:
Heroes United to Heal (HU2H)

Our Mission
Heroes United to Heal Foundation Inc. has been created for the purpose of raising awareness regarding Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) in the veteran and first responder communities. Funds raised will be given to other non-profit organizations providing services to veterans and first responders in need of services with the goal of erasing the stigma surrounding PTSD and ending the suicide epidemic in those communities. Funds may also be used to travel for the purpose of fundraising and raising awareness of our mission.

HU2H’s Vision
As Veterans and First Responders, we face challenges together on the job. Then the mental challenges begin.

Sometimes sooner, sometimes later, everyone is different. That’s the frustrating thing about PTSD, it sneaks up on you when you least expect it. And NO, we are not weak. We are not thin-skinned. We are warriors. Every human being has a breaking point. We can erase the stigma and overcome this together!


Service Area:
HOPE Project, Inc

The HOPE Project seeks to help bring hope and healing to wounded warriors, first responders, veterans, their families as well as to children, teens and adults who have been abused using horses, most of which have been rescued. The HOPE Project provides free Equine Assisted Psychotherapy, Therapeutic Riding, pastoral counseling and resources to those who have suffered trauma and may be battling PTSD.



PTSD/TBI Education & Support

Pastoral Counseling

Battlebuddy Support Groups

Group Functions & Retreats

Workshops on : Resiliency,

Teambuilding, Leadership, & More

Volunteer Opportunities

HOPE Chapel Services


Service Area:
Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA)

IAVA’s mission is to connect, unite, and empower post-9/11 veterans.

Our Core Values
Mission First
Integrity Always
Everyone Is Welcome
Respect Must Be Paid
Lead in Service
Attitude + Effort = Victory
Make the Juice Worth the Squeeze
We Are the Changemakers
Keep It Fun (Don’t Be an Asshole)
Think of the Children
Win the Day

Quick Reaction Force – A concierge veteran empowerment program helping veterans navigate an often complex road map to quality free services.

The Vote Hub – Voting is important! Regardless of political views, it is your duty to vote. The Vote Hub is a resource to help you find registration information for your state and your local polling location.

Advocacy – IAVA fights and wins battles for the post 9/11 generation of veterans. IAVA gets results. Our members tell us what’s important, and we engage policy makers and the media to bring about positive change.

Big 6 – IAVA’s members have identified 6 priority issues that matter most to them (combat suicide, burn pits & toxic exposures, modernize VA, women veterans, alternative therapies, and education benefits)

Take Action – IAVA cannot do our work without your help. Please let your representatives know how important these issues are to you and to the veteran community.

Policy Agenda – IAVA has recommended specific policy priorities to address the issues that matter most to post-9/11 veterans.


Service Area:
MilGears - Put Your Future in Gears

MilGears is a customized career-building tool developed to assist you — our military members — while you serve, as they transition, and beyond. Whether you are committed to completing a single enlistment term/obligation or plan to build a career within the military, understanding the pathways towards reaching your personal and professional goals can be daunting. MilGears exists to help you plan and achieve your goals by highlighting career possibilities and helping you visualize how to reach those goals.

MilGears analyzes your unique history—your military duties and training, civilian education and credentialing, and apprenticeships—to provide customized results. Key features include:

  • Auto-fill based on your uploaded service history document (ETJ, JST, or VMET).
  • Ability to return to where you left off at any time – your progress is saved, but your personal identifying information is not.
  • Easy-to-read summary of your military history that you can keep as a reference.
  • Customized output that includes:
    • Civilian occupations that may be attainable or nearly attainable.
    • Mariner Tool which calculates sea time and displays credentials that may be attainable or nearly attainable.
    • Apprenticeships, certifications, and education that can help you fill training gaps or that could make you more competitive in the job market.
    • “How You Stack Up” – a detailed view of how your credentials compare to those typically required for civilian occupations.
    • “Next Steps” – recommendations to fill gaps to enter an occupational field.

The process is straight forward. EMC looks at what you’ve done to date in the military by guiding you through a series of questions that collect information such as: your rating, pay grade, duty station history, training, qualifications (applicable to Mariner careers), and civilian education or credentials. EMC then takes this information and helps you determine your best path forward by showing you the possible occupation options for which you may be eligible based on your current experience.

M2M analyzes your entries and uploaded service records for creditable sea service, training, and assessments that you completed during your military service and compares your results against the standard for an original or upgraded Merchant Mariner Credential (MMC). The results section details which credentials you may be able to pursue based on your specific military experience.

CSWF guides you through a series of questions that allow you to view how closely your qualifications align with the requirements for specific CSWF work roles within the Navy, highlighting any gaps that need to be filled to become qualified for a role. Additionally, it lets you view related civilian occupations so you can plan for post-service employment that will use the skills you have honed during your time in service.

CSWF is based on the qualification matrices found on Navy COOL, which were developed to ensure that Sailors working in Cyber IT and Cybersecurity meet defined qualification requirements to serve in those roles. The DON model is consistent with the DOD Cyber Workforce Framework (DCWF), both are based on cybersecurity work roles outlined in the National Institute of Standard and Technology (NIST) National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE) framework. The NICE framework is a result of a partnership between government, academic institutions, and the private sector working to develop a common language to describe cybersecurity work regardless of where the work is performed.

Use the Quick Explorer to investigate career pathways based on a specific credential, career goal, or military occupation, or take a brief interest inventory to research careers that align to your interests.

  • Military Occupational Classification Explorer (MOCE) – View ‘best-fit’ pathways based your military occupation. Pathways include academic, industry, apprenticeship, cross-rate opportunities, and post-service employment opportunities.
  • Cyber IT/Cybersecurity Workforce (CSWF) – Research Cyberspace IT / CSWF work roles in which you are interested and find out the qualification requirements for Defense Cyber Workforce (DCWF) roles.
  • Credential Explorer (CE) – Explore career pathways for selected credentials including academic and certifications, US Military Apprenticeship Programs (USMAP), as well as federal licenses.
  • Career Goals Explorer (CGE) – View occupations based on job family, industry, cluster, or pathway.
  • Interests Explorer (IE) – Complete a brief Interest Profiler to view occupational options based on your likes and dislikes.


Service Area:
Military Transition Roundtable (MTR)

Many military personnel today are frustrated with the transition process. Stories of submitting dozens, if not over hundreds of resumes, with no response are not uncommon. While Department of Defense (DoD) and non-military transition programs are focused on the skills required to transition, they have not resolved this frustration.


Our MasterMind cohorts take like-mined individuals who will meet on a regular basis to share challenges, receive feedback/ideas, and discuss/refine action plans. Our goal in this program is to build an accountability group within cohorts. The MasterMinds group would be implemented as “Top Off” and “Capstone” programs that would augment and enhance the current DoD provided Transition Assistance Programs


Service Area:
Mission 22

Mission 22 Story

At Mission 22, our commitment could not be more personal. Mission 22 was founded by Veterans. Most of our staff are Veterans, spouses of Veterans, or have immediate family members who have served in the US military.

We provide extensive, personalized support and resources to help Veterans and their families thrive. Mission 22’s programs for Veterans and military spouses offer everything from biometric monitoring of stress, sleep, and activity levels; to meditation and coaching; to exercise programs and a wellness supplement regimen; to books and learning resources to help Veterans put their experience in context.

Mission 22 recognizes that a Veteran’s experience is a family’s experience – families live through all of the ups and downs that soldiers returning home do. We’ve developed a support program exclusively for spouses to take positive steps that renew their identities as individuals and the strengths they bring to their household.

Our Ambassador program further supports Veterans and military families – a network of more than 3,500 Veterans and civilians in all 50 states and around the world. We work to advance society’s collective understanding of the issues faced by active service members, Veterans, and their families.

At Mission 22, we know firsthand that Veterans and service members bring extensive skills and assets to any situation. Their leadership capabilities, experiences, and sense of teamwork and integrity are unmatched. Veterans know how to rise to a challenge.

America’s Veterans make our society stronger. They deserve a community worthy of all they have given, and all they will yet achieve.  We are proud to continue designing programs for Veterans and their families, and to welcome them into our community.


Service Area:
Panhandle Warrior Partnership

Panhandle Warrior Partnership™ (PWP) is a veteran-focused, community-led initiative to proactively connect with all veterans and ensure access to quality resources and opportunities available in collaboration with the community. The Florida Panhandle is home to one of the largest concentrations of military installations and personnel in the country and while there is a well-knit support structure for active duty and their families; that support structure becomes disjointed and not easily navigated when our service members become veterans. An estimated 100,000 veterans reside in the communities of Northwestern Florida, “The Panhandle”. The larger cities within Northwestern Florida have a variety of support organizations and opportunities, but many veterans, especially in the largely rural areas that span the distance between the Panhandle cities, are not aware of them or the benefits they’ve earned. Veteran organizations are focused on direct services and do not have the capacity to proactively engage the veteran population prior to a need being identified. Additionally, community offerings within the cities can be unaware of what the veterans in the Panhandle are looking for and how to best support them.

PWP is standing by to serve veterans, their families, and caregivers in Northwest Florida. Coordinated assistance with veterans’ benefits and connections to local and national resources are just a call away!


Service Area:
Service Women's Action Network (SWAN)

About Us

Today, there are over 350,000 service women and 2 million women veterans in the United States – the highest number ever in history. Their voices must be heard. Women have served and fought in every conflict since the American Revolution. Despite their critical contributions to our national security, women continue to face barriers. These barriers exist both in the military and when they leave military service when accessing the VA benefits and services they have earned.

The Service Women’s Action Network (SWAN) is the voice of all military women – past, present, and future. We are a member-driven community network advocating for the individual and collective needs of service women. SWAN’s priorities are guided by our members, who include thousands of women and men, service members, and civilians alike.

We are committed to seeing that all service women receive the opportunities, protections, benefits, and respect they deserve. Our goal is to ensure all service women and women veterans have access to the information, tools, and support they need to reach their personal and professional goals.

Since our founding in 2007, SWAN has been the only organization that advocates for and supports the needs of both service women and women veterans, regardless of rank, military branch, or years of experience. With over 40,000 nonprofits in America working to serve the needs of veterans and military personnel, this is an important distinction. While women service members and veterans have benefited from many support programs, the majority of them are still designed, by default, to meet the needs of men. We’re making sure that changes.

SWAN has played a significant role in shaping the outcome of many important issues affecting military women. Our efforts include opening all military jobs to service women, expanding access to services for a broad range of reproductive healthcare services, working to hold sex offenders accountable in the military justice system and eliminating barriers to disability claims for those who have experienced military sexual trauma. But our work is not done.


Our Mission


SWAN has developed a network of vetted resources that are uniquely qualified to address challenges service women face including access to healthcare, housing, workplace discrimination, caseworkers, family and financial services, employment and transition, legal services and alternative therapies.


SWAN brings together military women and organizations across the country to amplify the voices of service women on a national scale through media, networking events, and by founding the Military Women’s Coalition an organization that has united local women veteran organizations around the country.


SWAN is the driving force behind laws and policies that seek to change military culture, increase opportunities for women, eliminate sexual violence, and adequately address the needs of women veterans.


Service Area:


Service Area:
The Birdwell Foundation for PTSD

To decrease and eliminate veteran and first responder suicide.  By providing a community of support from fellow warriors who have found their way out of the darkness by a healing process they are now prepared and ready to teach and provide to others.


Service Area:
Arkansas, California, Florida, Georgia, Kansas, New Mexico, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Texas, Washington
The K.E.Y.


What does The K.E.Y stand for?

Keep Elevating Yourself

What is The K.E.Y?

Our intent is to bring everyone together, in hopes that we can help & continue to elevate others – as we are stronger together. The K.E.Y is purely a volunteer endeavor – we DO NOT charge any of the participants who join us. We plan & facilitate events for FREE that we feel our community can benefit from.

We provide/host workshops, presentations & panels for multiple entities that support our milcommunity. We aim to raise awareness & connect our community to one another globally.


Service Area:
Vet Journey

Today, we help active-duty service members across the globe build their next career using our cutting edge platform. We offer a personalized experience complete with a curated collection of resources from the world’s largest single veterans transition resource library. Our culminating goal is to equip service members for their next big transition, whether that is in academia, as an entrepreneur, or begin their role in the private sector.


Service Area:

Join thousands of Service Members, Veterans, and Military Spouses in setting up free 1-hr mentorship phone calls with successful professionals. We’re the only Veteran Mentorship Platform to let you choose your own mentors and as many as you would like; our average member selects 4 mentors, and some mentees have 25+ mentors! Create a free profile at Veterati to get unlimited access to thousands of volunteer mentors: CEOs, recruiters, entrepreneurs, managers, Veterans & civilians alike.


Service Area:
Vets - Beyond the Uniform

The VETS Beyond the Uniform program (see Resources below) has been developed by military veterans with the specific goal of helping veterans make a successful journey from the military into the civilian workforce. They also help employers that hire veterans become “Veteran Friendly”. VETS is an acronym representing Veterans Educational Transformation Solutions. As its name suggests, it’s about preparing veterans as they enter the workforce. It’s also about preparing employers for a veteran workforce, especially understanding how to welcome and integrate them.


Veteran Employee Retention Services

VETS – Beyond the Uniform’s mission is to build upon the veteran’s military skills and the skills taught by military transition programs. Their goal is to improve the veteran’s chances for successful long term careers. They provide veterans with one-on-one coaching & mentoring, and access to workshops & training that cover the skills-sets used in the civilian workforce.

VETS – BTU provides veterans transitioning from the military service over 200 free soft-skills training workshops, webinars, and self-paced online training. These programs empower them to successfully integrate and become effective in the business world and civilian workforce. They support each veteran’s transformation with workshops, webinars, group training, self-paced learning, and 1 on 1 mentoring and coaching.

Listen to the conversation I had with the Founders about helping veterans with disabilities thrive (see Resources below).

Employer Support Services

Their mission to support veterans doesn’t end with the veteran. They also support the long term success for employers that hire veterans. VETS – BTU coaches and mentors will work with your team to help you understand them all. They’ll work with you to strengthen your veteran hiring & retention programs as well.

Hiring a veteran brings you a candidate possessing natural leadership, strong work ethic, education & training, and tax credits. There are 6 retention-focused components to the support services:

  • Defined Hiring
  • Successful Integration
  • Mentorship Programs
  • Culture Training
  • Skills Training & Utilization
  • Retention Planning


Service Area:
Warriors Breaking Bread

We are Veterans of the Military and First Responder Communities whose service continues as peer leaders creating gathering spaces each month meant to encourage grassroots meaningful human connection.


Service Area:
Florida, Washington