VETS2INDUSTRY Magazine is your monthly connection to the military and veteran community. Published on the 3rd Friday of every month, our magazine reaches thousands of veterans, military spouses, and supporters through our social media platforms and subscriber network.
By sponsoring the VETS2INDUSTRY Magazine, you’ll not only showcase your support for the veteran community but also gain prominent visibility among a highly engaged audience.
Sponsorship Opportunities:
You can choose in single-month, 6-month, or all-year placement in one of the following categories:
- Quarter Page Sponsorship
- Half Page Sponsorship
- Full Page Sponsorship
As a sponsor, your brand will appear in a dynamic publication filled with resources, stories, and tools that empower veterans and their families.
Ready to Sponsor?
Complete the form below to secure your sponsorship spot and choose the level that best suits your business. Together, we can make a lasting impact!